Struggling to repay your student loans? Learn about the different repayment options, loan forgiveness programs, and other resources available to young adults in this helpful guide. …
Month: February 2023
Negotiating is a powerful tool that can save you money on your loans and credit cards. And the good news? It’s not as scary or difficult as it sounds! You can negotiate interest rates, fees, and other terms with lenders and credit card companies with these four easy steps: Make sure you are comparing apples to apples. You need to make sure that you are comparing apples to apples. This means making sure that all the loans or credit cards …
Cryptocurrency is a hot topic, but it’s also one that can intimidate for those who are new to investing. Cryptocurrency is the digital currency of the future, but how do you get involved? Should you invest in crypto at all? And if so, which cryptocurrencies should you buy and when? If these questions sound familiar, don’t worry: we’ve got answers. In this article, we’ll explore what cryptocurrencies are and how they work before diving into the pros and cons of …
Credit is a part of most people’s lives. We use credit cards in our everyday lives, and sometimes we need to get a loan to buy something big, like a car or a house. But if you don’t understand how credit works, it can be confusing and even scary. Don’t worry! In this article, we’ll teach you everything you need to know about how credit works so that you can make smart financial decisions for yourself and your family throughout …
I’m going to be honest: I don’t know how the market is going to perform in 2023. It could go up, it could go down, or it could stay level. As a financial professional, I have some knowledge of what might affect markets and what may happen this year—but only time will tell if that knowledge is accurate or not. So while I can recommend some things that may help you protect your investments against uncertainty in this uncertain year, …
Wealth is a topic that comes up often in discussions, but how do we define it? What does it look like in our lives? Is wealth limited to money and possessions, or does it come from more intangible things? In this post, we will explore eight strategies for building real wealth and achieving financial success. 1. Establish A Plan For Your Life’s Purpose. When you’re clear about what you want to achieve in life, it’s easier to make smart financial …